Thursday, March 02, 2006


Whatever will be will be..

It has been a while since I last penned my thoughts but hell, the world doesn't wait for this blogger... So many things have happened..I doubt if anyone can ever keep up with this relentless tide.

First thing - the passing of our founding father, Mr Rajaranam. I find it so ironical that one only begins to know the greatness of a person ONLY after the passing. The clips showed how he reached out to the man in the street - using simple words to bring out the impact of his words.
"Regardless of race, language or religion". How many time have we recite that in our school days - and yet paying scant attention to the importance of the words.

Have we achieved this multiracialism? I wonder....

Henceforth, for my small part as a citizen, I resolve never to make small jokes about nationalities and race - one small part of what a single citizen can do to help :)

Next, Wabe is still mired in all her work - and getting stressed.... She is always in a perpetual frown ...sigh
This is why when she suggest a cruise this weekend, I was more than happy to oblige - it will be a welcome break and it's high time the 3 of us bond w/o the loom of office work! :)

Tatami! The platform is done and waiting for the tatami next week ! YEAH!!! Funny, I think once we decided to not purchase a private property, we go all the way out to "khng" our house with multiple luxuries.. I think I should call it "Wabe Khng Your House" ... heh heh

Next week I will be travelling to Bangalore for 2 days. The days of my Singapore playground is ending ...welcome to the region...BUT I thought can start with KL right?! Sigh

Ok ... signing out....

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