Wednesday, March 22, 2006


Customer Facing

I feel really driven these days - perhaps Wabe has taken a slower pace and I feel less guilty about doing more in my work as I felt Yang has her attention.

There's no such thing as work life balance - it's a myth perpetuated by workaholics who want to soothe their consciences or lazy bums who wants an excuse to idle.

I don't mind working hard. If it be I am still a single - I'd be practically working 15 hours days and enjoying every minute of it. The truth is I enjoy my current work but I think in the grand scheme of things, some things you just need to make a decision on and making my family a priority has always been my number goal.

Talking about customers - they are the focus of my work - me being in a relationship role.

Sometimes, I feel so lousy having to compromise my principles to pander to some people who .. typically I wouldn't give no hoot about.

Morally....Intellectually...they stank like putrid garbage.

The company motto : "It's all about the customer."

So I stand up to the challenge and act like the professional I am paid to be.


Make merry.

And then while driving back, I removed the smiling mask and ponder on the irony of it all.

You must understand - smiling might just pay the bills.

Reality bites.


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