Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Growing Pains

Growing Up

Today Yang graduated to the next step in "I Can Read"... we actually had a conversation in English the whole journey to the class - which is pretty amazing. His new coach is an ex principal of a Canadian school - Wabe said his ENUNCIATION is pretty ok - I hope that means it is easier for Yang to understand him. My worries are unfounded :) Yang told me Teacher Bob asked him how many pages of homework he wants..Yang said Just One...but Bob gave him 3 pages anyway. This guy is a comedian :P

Hey in the midst of all, I forgot to update - I have lost 6 kgs to-date....quite bloody amazing...this Reductil thing.

More to come - onward the healthy plan...although Wabe has slowly gained back some of the 8kg she lost...this is so demoralizing...I kept asking her to stop and what did I find? she gorging on french fries after a buffer Korean dinner....tsk. Hope she can find the determination for her work to apply to her diet - I think the whole priorities are all messed up.

Hmm...we were just talking about when Yang grows up..hmmm never never let the sands of time flow too fast you forgot to notice your child is getting taller everyday.


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