Saturday, March 18, 2006

Meaning of Life


Wabe just mentioned to me that I am in a daze recently and did not respond well to her questions.

Well, I always thought I was like that :) Too often lost in imaginary World Of Warcraft games.. But I suddenly realized I had been too involved with work matters recently. Ever since the merge, the pressure has intensified - to put it in words of Warcraft, it would seem your monsters has suddenly increased in their levels and you have dropped your best armor.

So I got to thinking .. what's the meaning of life?

Why are we working like dogs only to crumble to dust in the end?

Why procreate if the end is still death?

Suddenly, I got a revelation - if all roads lead to Rome, would you walk the flower laced road or the rocky road?

It's a bit neurotic I know but I do go on these manic daydreams once in a while - helps to bring the perspective back in life...

See .. I was thinking all matter are made of the same particles - at the atomic level....we are what we are ...because of the different kinds of bondings - covalent bond and what have you..

Now we know electrons jump in and out as they lose technically we lost a wee part of ourselves to the universe and gain a wee part of the universe every single blooming nanosecond!

Scary isn't it?

Makes you want to kiss the stone u see on the street next might have parts of you:)

So anyway, back to reality - no matter how much the theory makes sense...aint no way those crisp dollar notes gonna materialize due to the electrons movement...heh heh

Chou Kang Lar!!


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