Monday, March 13, 2006

Bangalore Trip


I had wanted to lax lyrical on the cruise trip but I found Zi Tong has practically written the entire iternary on her blog - so we shouldn't double our efforts yeah? Except to say, gambing actually brings the realism of statistics to true form. :) Try observing the pattern in a Big/Small game - you then realised why in statistic class, they emphasized on the sampling size - haha - I digress - lest I be known as a loony geek.

Ah why don't I regale the tale of the Bangalore trip?

Started when I tried calling a rental company 1 day before my trip in India.

"Yes, tell me" intoned the agency boss.

"Yes, is this XXX rental?"

"Tell me..Tell me.."

*Thinking* "Tell what you !#@$@$@#"

Much later....we resolved the differences between English spoken in 2 ex British colony.

"And your good name, sir?" (another thing, everyone has a good name there)

"The honourable Ang..."

And it went downhill again from here...

Morning - stupid ..... delayed by 1.5 hours.

The airline was reeking of stale urine and there had to be air freshener burst every 15 minutes.

Was it all that bad?

Well, actually it turned out better than expected. The people are invariably friendier - perhaps this is what we termed Asian hospitality.

Looking at the blooming buildings and all, it is a marvel - truly the opportunities are back in the East - you can literally sense this other giant awakening besides China and it is awesome...scary.

With that, it's time to go sleep.

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