Saturday, March 25, 2006


A Man's Cave

Sometimes, a man doesn't have to have a reason for keeping quiet.

It just happen to us sometimes.

We just plain do not want to communicate - we are battling our inner demons. No amount of sarcasm can incite us to do otherwise.

We are in our caves...brooding.

In the days of yore, cavemen are pretty much left alone when they are in this state - they are luckier in those days.

Bagging a game is sufficient duty due to his role.

We urban city dudes have it harder - tis not supposed to be the way. We have upset the entire balance.

I guess I want to say, I do not want to feel guilty for the occasional foray into my own domain.

Hmm... usually in the fantasy stories, the most lethal combination is a warrior and a magician (mage) team. They have complementing skills to defeat their foes. However, if the warrior wants to cast spells also, it upsets the balance. The mage will - might slouch.

Tis the nature of things.

As Jesus said, "Let he who has ears, let him hear".

I rest my case.


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